Saturday, August 4, 2007

Scott's Pets

A few weeks ago Scott noticed a visitor at his back door. Each night he builds a huge web between Scott's house and the dog's backyard leash and waits. When Scott lets the dogs out, he turns on the light and that's when the spider gets his dinner. Bugs swarm the light and fall prey to the huge web. It's gross and terrifying to watch him, but at the same time, really cool to see how unique and creative God's creations are. This picture is the first web he built last night (I accidentally let the dogs come in too far on their leash and they knocked the web down) so he had to build another one.

This is him rebuilding his web after it got knocked down.

This is his second web-even bigger and more beautiful than before.

Here is a closeup

Here are Scott's real pets, Sydney and Precious. :) For those who know me well, you are probably thinking, "Wow! Mel is in love with a guy who has not one, but TWO dogs?" Yes, it's true, and I really like them. They remind me a lot of me and my sister. Precious is the older one and definitely more responsible. She likes to stay out of trouble (most of the time!). Sydney is the younger, wilder sister. She likes to play around a lot and gets into trouble (Jen I'm not saying you get into trouble :)). But they are just typical sisters, each having their own personalities. They are really fun to watch.

Sydney is on the right, Precious is on the left.

Sydney waiting for her dinner :)


Mama Kliegl said...

I know I'm going to have spider nightmares tonight!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for finally putting up pictures of the dogs. I like looking at them better than the spider, thank you very much. (Although very photogenic spider and web.) It's still hard to believe that you now have two dogs in your life Melanie, who would have guessed?

Kelly Reed said...

Precious? I didn't think anyone named dogs Precious after Silence of the Lambs came out (no offense, Scott). I guess that stigma has passed.

Cute pups, although they could use some time on Boba's diet and exercise routine. But really, what nut walks their dogs as much as we do? It's just not right. Our next dog will have to be able to control his/her appetite:)