Friday, June 1, 2007

Staying in Chicago!!

The last few months have been extremly busy for me and lots of changes have happened! I went from planning on going to grad school in Arkansas to meeting an amazing man and deciding to stay in Chicago!! God has a really funny sense of humor sometimes! I was going along with my life, perfectly content being single and enjoying all that the single life had to offer and when I was least expecting it, I met someone who completely swept me off my feet.

Scott and I met on a blind date a few months ago and as they say, the rest is history!

This blog is for family and friends of both Scott and I to keep up on what's going on in each of our lives. I know that it's hard to keep in touch regularly so this is a way for you to check in every once in awhile to see what's going on!

Please leave us a comment!!


Kathy Houser said...

Hi, Melanie and Scott!!!

How wonderful for both of you. I am looking forward to getting to know Scott. Thanks, always Melanie, for sharing your story. Dan and I plan on being at your parents house the week of July 4. Maybe we will catch you there and if not we will get the scoop on Scott from Mom and Dad.

Love ya, Kathy.

Jamie said...

Hey guys! What a great idea to set this up! As you can imagine, Gary and I are extremely busy as well, what with trying to get the house (and ourselves) ready for little Masyn and maintaining the new boat. I hope you'll try to take us up on the open invitation to come down and hang out on the boat- we're planning to start going out on Wednesday and Saturday evenings to catch the city's regular fireworks displays. Here's hoping we see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Great blog guys! Thanks for giving me an opt out from myspace. I get so confused there!
Great pics too! Mel why don't you stretch your arm out and take the pictures you slacker! Err, no wait, keep doing what you're doing Scott;)

Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhhhh, I'm loving this whole blog site thing, keeps me in the know:) Love it, Love you, and I might even Love scott, shhhh, don't tell him, lol. I have to keep up my tough protective friend exterior, lol:)ANGEL