There are a few things in my life right now that I just cannot get enough of. You know how sometimes things come along (great pair of jeans, a book you just can't put down, a painting that makes you feel things you didn't know were possible). Well I have a few things in my life right now that I am just absolutely loving. They are things in my life that I can't get enough of and each thing makes me feel something really great. So I wanted to share them with you!!
The couches that inhabit our basement at the moment are a weird slate blue/grey color. The pillows that have been on there for decades (Scott picked them out years ago) were so lumpy they made your mom's thanksgiving gravy look good. I still have a kink in my neck from laying on them. I decided that it was time to invest in some new pillows, but knew it could be a challenge to find pillows that matched the couches (I didn't want to have to resort to black pillows). So a co-worker (thanks Denise!) suggested that I try a store called
Home Goods for my nesting needs. Low and behold, I found this beauty of a pillow. I LOVED the geometric designs and the yellow, green and blue colors. A perfect pillow that will be the inspiration for the colors in our new basement (see earlier posts). I purchased two of them and they now perch perfectly on one of our couches.

On a recent excursion to Menards (yes folks, I shop at Menards) I was stopped dead in my tracks when I saw shelving that held these little beauties. There were all sorts of colors and shapes and I was mesmerized by them all!! Not to mention, they were .74 cents a piece!! As I do with everything I love, I buy the item in multiples. I bought a light and dark blue vase, a cream vase, and a yellow, green and red vase. Everytime I look at these little vases my heart swells with joy. They don't even need to be filled with flowers. In fact, I think it might actually take away from what this little vase is offering me, and that is pure joy.

Other things I am loving right now are:
- AVOSkinjuice Quenchers - This is a lotion that I tried in the bathroom of a salon and loved it so much I had to buy it immediately (I know, I know, the whole impulse shopping thing) But hey, it's winter and my hands are continuously dry. And this lotion is the perfect match for my dry hands, plus it smells amazing!! I bought the Crisp Apple Juice scent. Lucious!
Dave Ramsey - He came to speak at Willow this weekend...and I'm telling you, this man has a gift! He is a financial guru and is a man of God and has a passion for getting people out of debt. You can't read his book, hear him on the radio, or watch him speak and not feel inspired to make a change in your financial habits.
Being Married - ok, so it's not just that I am loving being married RIGHT NOW. I have always loved being married. But after being married for a year, I feel an even stronger connection with my husband and am SO excited to see what God has planned for us this year. I think there are some big things on the horizon for us personally, professionaly, and in our walks with God. Bring it on!!
Remodeling our basement - it's just plain amazing being married to someone who is so handy around the house. Scott has a natural gift for architecture, construction and creating something out of nothing. He doesn't think he's creative, but he's a true artist. I am so proud of him and am constantly in awe of his abilities to remodel. Our basement will truly be built with love.
Kelly Rae Roberts -Kelly is an artist who I found out about last month when I was in Colorado. I purchased a piece of her
artwork and instantly fell in love with her art, her creative mind and her spirit. I can't get enough of her! I'm still trying to find the perfect place for the print I bought. I want it to be in a place where I will see it every day. She has a blog and a website so check her out
here. I also just bought her book called Taking Flight which is about inspiring people to be creative and letting that creativity out. I can't wait to read it!
Being in
Grad School - Going back to school was one of the toughest decisions for me to make personally and has been one of the hardest things I've ever done. But I am so proud of myself for committing fully to the process (even though it's a long one!) and being diligent and disciplined in my work. I know that in the end it will pay off, no matter how many late nights I have working on a paper. Although there are times that I have doubts about whether or not I will be a good therapist in the future, I know that I am still learning and that God has given me a passion to do therapy and help families.