them, but looked similarly like them! Ok, without the spandex. But close. :)

Staind played after them and they were much better. I knew a few of their songs but not all of them. By then the crowd in it's entirety (minus Scott and I) had a good buzz going from all of the alcohol and pot smoking. We were definitely the most straight-laced people there. We enjoyed people watching. There was this big guy sitting next to Scott and he LOVED Staind. He told us that it was his favorite band and he knew all the words to every song! He also must have gotten a huge headache from all the head banging he was doing. I remembered that my phone had a camera so I whipped that out to document the action. Scott was really enjoying this!! That black blob in the background is him thrashing about.

The only other people who were as straight laced as Scott and I were the 2 women sitting next to us. I'm still trying to figure out for the life of me, why they would have been at that concert. Maybe they thought they were seeing Nickelcreek?? Again, no real picture of them, but this is what they looked like. Ok, they weren't THAT old, but they were wearing mom jeans and tennis shoes. :)

All in all we had a great time. Nickelback is a great band, although all of their songs sound alike. The lead singer even started singing the lyrics to another one of his songs to the song he was playing! It was pretty funny. They definitely put on an entertaining show. By the end of the concert, there was a haze so heavy you could hardly see. Scott thought it looked like a battlefield after a battle had occured. It was crazy!